Application 应用
v For function of thermal fuse on steam irons, oven…etc..
Specifications 规格
v Function : v 功能 : | Single pole, the contact opens when the temperature is reached. 单体跳动特性,当温度达到设定值后会自动断开电路 |
v Standard Rating v 额定功率标准 | 250V AC 12.5A |
v Number of Automatic Cycles for each Automatic Action: v 自动循环动作寿命: | Thermal Fuse |
v Maximum Temperature : v 最高工作温度 : | 350°C |
v Functional Temperature : v 动作温度(Tf) : | 298°C |
v Tolerance of Operation Range : v 操作温度公差范围 : | ±10℃ |
v Switching Differential : v 温差: | 10 – 30K depending on mounting and design 依据安装及设计定为10 – 30K不等 |
Connections 连接方式
vWelding terminal is alternative.
v 碰焊接线片
Approval 认证